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So, you want to record in a court hearing?

For further reading, check out this extensive article on the subject written by Mike March of - NOTE: it's 157 pages and applies to Ontario Courts only (although some the principles discussed may be universal).

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 Canadian Authorities

Ontario: s. 136 Courts of Justice Act (Parties & Media)

Alberta: Journalists only (lawyers permitted at Court of Appeal)- Policy (Provincial) - Policy (Queens Bench) - Policy (COA)

BC: Journalists only or by judicial discretion (All levels) - Policy

Saskatchewan: No recording unless by judicial discretion (All levels) - Policy

Manitoba: Journalists only or by judicial discretion (All levels) - Policy - *Cameras in the Courtroom

Nunavut: Journalists only or by judicial discretion (All levels) - Policy

NWT: No recording unless by judicial discretion (All levels) - Policy

Quebec: ??

Nova Scotia: Journalists only (All levels) - Policy

New Brunswick: ??

Newfoundland/Labrador: Any person (Provincial) - Policy - Supreme Court/COA: ??

PEI: Any "authorized" person (Supreme Court) - Policy - Media/other "authorized" persons may video tape (COA only) - Policy - Provincial: ??

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