Email Us iRepMyselfCanada@gmail.com
PLEASE NOTE: By signing up for our website membership, you are also subscribing to our monthly newsletter: "The Witness Box" which you can unsubscribe to at any time, by contacting us.
Combatting Loneliness Campaign
Event Sponsors:

Order Raffle Tickets ONLY - HERE!

Following completion of this form - please
contact us (or see below) to complete transaction.
RAFFLE TICKETS ONLY by credit card:
By calling: 226-241-6290 (Canada or USA)
Email Transfer: iRepMyselfCanada@gmail.com (Canada) - Please use the password: CLC
Paypal: iRepMyselfCanada@gmail.com (USA)
By purchasing raffle tickets, you acknowledge that:
There are no refunds;
You are located within Canada or the United States of America;
You are at least 18 years of age or older (proof of age may be required to fulfill transaction);
You are donating funds the Self-Represented Litigant’s Society (SRLS) and that in exchange for your donation, you are going to be given (via email) a picture copy of your raffle tickets which will have random and unique numbers associated with each ticket and that only you will be given, and you will be required to make a choice as to which raffle prize draw(s) you wish to enter. The raffle will take place on May 22, 2016 in Windsor, Ontario Canada at 501 Erie Street (Brigantino’s Trattoria) and that the raffle will be videotaped and fairly processed by the SRLS executive team and/or responsible adult volunteers selected by the SRLS executive team, and you will be given opportunity during the week before the event and possibly on the day of the event, to communicate to us, only once, which raffle draw you would like to enter and how many of your tickets you would like to go in that particular draw. You will be given only one opportunity to choose (by phone or email) how you would like your tickets distributed for the draw and that you may not change your choice after that point. You may however, make an additional donation and receive another set of raffle tickets in exchange.
You will check back on THIS page during the week before the event to review the raffle prizes/draws that will take place at the raffle event and that if you fail to contact SRLS before the draw date, that your raffle tickets will be distributed as evenly as possible amongst all of the available raffle prizes/draws;
You will be responsible to make the donation (in the set amount) by email transfer (please use password: “CLC” for email transfers) in Canada or by Credit Card in the USA (please contact us by phone to make credit card payment over the phone 1-226-241-6290) prior to receiving any raffle tickets or choices for draw entrance. You will be contacted to arrange completion of the donation IF you fill out the form above (if you have not completed the payment);
You will be solely responsible for payment upfront of shipping of any item(s) that you may win at the raffle;
SRLS will not be held responsible for damage or loss of your winning items, while in transit to you, so that, shipping insurance is highly recommended; and,
You will be contacted following the draw if you are the winner of any item(s) and that an estimate will be given to you for shipping and handling and that SRLS will only ship your item(s) once payment in full (for the shipping) is completed.

Dude, Female & Couples Draws - 10 tickets for $20
Grand Prize Draws - 5 tickets for $20
SPECIAL: One Set of Dude, Female & Couples Draw (10 Tickets) + one set of Grand Prize Draw (5 Tickets) for $30
The Prizes!
Draw #1: Dude Prize

-Mastercraft temperature reader (w/laser pointer)
-Philips electric razor
-Cecil fielder tigers jersey
$150 Value!
Draw #2: Female Prize
-Davidstea gift basket
-$80 gift certificates from t'dye for salon
& variety of sample professional product
$150 Value!
Draw #3: Couples Prize Package A
-his/her massage package from cchst
-private Latin dance lesson @ dance academy
-pints & pong @ house of pong
$170 Value!
Draw #4: Couples Prize Package B
-DAte night guitar lesson @ Riverside guitar shop!
-Dinner@Acapulco delight
-1 night hotel free @ sunrise inn!
$190 Value!
Draw #5: Pimpin' Package (men/women)
-Hair tree therapy product package (natural beauty products)
-free custom teeth whitening treatment from walkERville dental
$150+ Value!
Draw #6: Grand Prize "40 inch TV"
$450 Value!
Want to Purchase
Raffle Tickets Only?
Draw #7: Grand Prize "iPad"
$425 Value!
Combatting Loneliness Campaign - Raffle Details:
When: Sunday, May 22/16
Where: Brigantino's Trattoria
(501 Erie Street East Windsor, Ontario Canada)
Raffle: 9pm (approx)
SRLS is a federally registered not-for-profit help centre for self-represented persons in any legal matters. We are looking to secure a home inside the Downtown Windsor Business Accelerator. 100% of money raised will go towards finding a home for our VOLUNTEER-ONLY executive team to provide free or low cost services to people in need. No money raised will go to anyone's salary!!
Geared towards any single adults (including the GLBT community), join upto 160 strangers for an amazing evening of fun dating activities, an amazing Italian meal (chicken or vegetarian) and dancing til the early morning hours. DJ PIMPBOT 5000 will be coming out of retirement for one night only, spinning a great dance mix of new stuff intertwined and beat mixed with classics. Come prepared to win a big screen tv or an iPad with our raffles. Cash bar serving all night and free drinks to win. Free shuttle.